Participate in 20 interactive examples of moments in teaching where the teacher can have a transformative experience. Each is a practical example where you experience an opportunity to model truly transformative learning for students. The activities of the workshop anticipate that each participant will be able to perform the following.
- Intuitive Teaching where the teacher is open to new ideas while telling.
- Teacher / Student Reversal where the teacher is open to learning from the student by active listening.
- True Learning Modeling where the teacher experiences true gratitude for the student, becoming a model of the highest form of a true teacher.
The 1 hour workshop Part 1 of 5 given at Columbia U.
'20 Opps' Workshop Presentations
Part 1 of 5 - "Reclaiming Your Spirituality" Opportunity #1. First, Change Yourself Opportunity #2. The True Teacher Opportunity #3. Intuitive Teaching Opportunity #4. The Test of Awakening Part 2 of 5 - "Reawakening Your Love of Teaching" Opportunity #5. Points of View Opportunity #6. Vulnerability Opportunity #7. The Unseen Opportunity #8. Fun Part 3 of 5 - "Recovering Your Childhood in Adulthood" Opportunity #9. Reawakening the child in the adult Opportunity#10. Heart Thought Opportunity #11. Teach Yourself Opportunity #12. Moving Toward and Away Part 4 of 5 - "Revitalizing Your Ability to Lead" Opportunity #13. Learn to Return Opportunity #14. The Servant Leader Opportunity #15. Language Reduces Experience Opportunity #16. Separateness is a Subtle Deception of Physical Life Part 5 of 5 - "The Believing Brain: Reaffirming Your Belief in Change" Opportunity #17. Naming, Categorizing, Labeling Opportunity #18. The Senses as a Gateway to Observation Opportunity #19. Holistic versus The Divided Self Opportunity #20. The Role of Belief Part 1 of 5 - "Reclaiming Your Spirituality" was prepared for "Cultivating the Spiritual Core: An Interactive Learning Summit", Teachers College of Columbia U. in NYC (Nov. 2021).
Part 2 of 5 - "Reawakening Your Love of Teaching" was prepared for "AWAKENED SCHOOLS: The Spiritual Core in Whole Child Education", live conference, Teachers College of Columbia U. in NYC (Oct. 2022). Part 3 of 5 - "Recovering Your Childhood in Adulthood" was prepared for "Awakened Campus Summit", Teachers College of Columbia U. in NYC (April 2022). Each part is 1 hour. The entire workshop is 6 hours. Part 5 of 5 - "The Believing Brain" was prepared for "AWAKENED SCHOOLS: The Spiritual Core in Whole Child Education", live conference, Teachers College of Columbia U. in NYC (Oct. 2022). |