Coming Soon ... A new Book ...
Science Education and Spiritual Transformation
Science Education and Spiritual Transformation
Announcing ...
Do you remember when you were very young?
There is a wisdom to early childhood which we would do well to remember and regain. Children are intuitive, inquisitive, and interested in everything. A child's day is full of wonder and joy. How many ways of being have you forgotten as you grew up? For most people, life has two stages. You start out very young, then you grow up. But there are rare individuals who are gifted enough to find a third stage. Either as young adults or as old adults, they find a way to transform themselves - rediscovering the wisdom they had when they were a child. This book is for you if you can answer "yes" to any of these questions. - Would you like to reawaken the wisdom of the child? - Would you like to rediscover the wisdom of the ancestors? - Would you like to regain the wisdom of the heart? - Would you like to transform yourself to once again access that wisdom? This book is a set of exercises and reminders of the way you used to think with your heart - 'heart thought', if you will. |
Free Online Access to Bickart's Just-in-Time Fables
These are fables with lessons. They were written to me, for me. I cannot live up to the maxims; but I can wish them with all my heart. Why do I feel justified in publishing them - because I am good at seeing the next steps humankind needs to take in order to survive. I believe this is urgent. This is a huge moment in history! It is the time for humankind to step up to the next level of fun. Real fun. Some would say joy. Aesop, Buddha, Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Lao Tzu, Aristotle and Homer (to name a few greats who lived before Christ) recorded stories that were most probably heard from the spiritual world. Some think that they were written because humankind was falling asleep. Some say that people were losing the ability to see the spiritual world. - Now is the time to wake up. - These fables are wake-up calls for this next version of humankind ... you and me. They cross the boundary between conflict resolution and joyful, free play. I hope they are just in time for you, like me … to live happily ever after. Note to Parents, Teachers, and Counselors A simple way to use these fables might be ... 1. take a minute or two to read one yourself 2. pause to let your intuition describe a use of it 3. relate it to your charge - in his or her terms I hope - however you use them - you have fun! Copyright © 2020. John Bickart. Author: John Bickart, Illustrator: Wendy Bickart |
Have you ever met someone who does not wish to become the next version of him or herself? Most of us want to grow. Perhaps that is why we constantly find ourselves seeking life lessons from stories in the movies and literature, from teachers and friends. Is that also why we so often find ourselves giving advice – saying to others what, in truth, we need to hear?
This book will show you how to use your INTUITION to follow fresh new ideas that are all about YOU. Yes, you can have a better life. Don’t you want to have suggestions on how to solve difficult problems, to achieve more success, to basically, have fun? Every single one of us makes mistakes – probably, every day. Forget yesterday. How many times have you said, “I knew I shouldn’t have done that?” You may say that you don’t know the right thing to do; but I’ll bet you know the wrong thing! Great ideas are already inside you - in your intuition. All you have to do is listen. |
How to make simple woodcarvings.