A Letter to the Children of 2025
Dear Children of 2025, Do you want to be like your parents, or do you want to be different and change the way things are? Fine. But before you change the world, stop, and think for a moment. There are 3 things to think about. 1 Change itself is accelerating. Things are changing faster and faster. Even the old people are changing. When the old people try to be young, they try so many types of fun, food, and fashion that by now, you can see just about every style that has ever been. So, think hard - must your new way be different - or have you considered a combination of old and older? 2 You are not like them. Every generation before you saw people going places without cars - they used their legs and horses. Before you, before technology, television, and telephone, people had to go out of their houses and talk to their neighbors to find things out. You are different. There has never been a generation like you. Old people did a whole lot of things the way it has always been done. But not you. You are not held by custom, contract, or convention. You are free. You do not share their traditions. You are freed from the past. 3 Because things are changing and because you are not held back by tradition, you must lead the old people. Yes, for the first time, ever - young must lead old! It is not their fault. As they grew up and had one trouble after another, they slowly traded boldness, bravery, and bluster for consistency, constancy, and control. You are their only hope. So, go ahead. Come up with something new. Have fun. Undo what has been done. Throw out old ways if you do not like them. Help old people to become unstuck from the old ways. But remember to be gentle - when a tree falls in the wood, everyone scatters so they do not get hurt. Be gentle - change from the old to the new with compassion, concern, and consideration. You are the NEXT VERSION OF HUMANKIND. ************ |
Permissions to rejuvenate your teaching experiences.
Intended audience: Teachers interested in rejuvenation, student transformation, spiritual healing.
Instructor: John Bickart, Ph.D.
Prerequisites: none
Web Page: https://www.bickart.org/
Recommended Reading: The Next Version of You, Bickart's Just-in-Time Fables, 20 Opportunities to Transform Yourself While Teaching
Workshop Abstract:
Four interactive exercises that reawaken your love of teaching. Do you constantly love teaching? Or are you like the rest of us - falling in and out of love? We teachers need forgiveness, accolades, compassion, and understanding. How will we get this? By looking through the eyes of our students!
Workshop Proposal:
I don't know about you, but I went to the school of hard knocks. When I was very young, everything looked good. As I got older, not so much. I guess the hard knocks got to me. Life brought difficulties, responsibilities, good days, and hard ones, too. Then, I started teaching. The youth I taught have given me a fresh start! If I consciously use their eyes to perceive the world, I have a window into the beautiful and the good. Yes, I have to make the effort, but it works. I believe that it works because the world is inherently good and the youth are innately wise enough to know this. They have a spiritual knowing that is true. They KNOW that the world is good. So, when I need to reawaken my love of teaching, I look into their eyes and through their eyes ... and there it is - the knowing that I had temporarily forgotten.
The interactive exercises we will do to reawaken this spiritual knowing are:
Instructor: John Bickart, Ph.D.
Prerequisites: none
Web Page: https://www.bickart.org/
Recommended Reading: The Next Version of You, Bickart's Just-in-Time Fables, 20 Opportunities to Transform Yourself While Teaching
Workshop Abstract:
Four interactive exercises that reawaken your love of teaching. Do you constantly love teaching? Or are you like the rest of us - falling in and out of love? We teachers need forgiveness, accolades, compassion, and understanding. How will we get this? By looking through the eyes of our students!
Workshop Proposal:
I don't know about you, but I went to the school of hard knocks. When I was very young, everything looked good. As I got older, not so much. I guess the hard knocks got to me. Life brought difficulties, responsibilities, good days, and hard ones, too. Then, I started teaching. The youth I taught have given me a fresh start! If I consciously use their eyes to perceive the world, I have a window into the beautiful and the good. Yes, I have to make the effort, but it works. I believe that it works because the world is inherently good and the youth are innately wise enough to know this. They have a spiritual knowing that is true. They KNOW that the world is good. So, when I need to reawaken my love of teaching, I look into their eyes and through their eyes ... and there it is - the knowing that I had temporarily forgotten.
The interactive exercises we will do to reawaken this spiritual knowing are:
- Exercise #1: Entertaining other Points of View by appreciating without needing to agree.
- Exercise #2: Achieve enough Vulnerability to put yourself in your students' hands.
- Exercise #3: Searching for The Unseen world of ideas to find one you may have had all of your life.
- Exercise #4: Giving yourself permission to have Fun - the deep sense of joy you deserve.
- Wisdom Teaching and Practical Exercises (Laozi, 2005/circa 500 BC)
- Childhood & Spirituality (Hart, 2001, 2010, 2014a, 2014b; L. Miller, 2015; L. W. E. S. Miller, 2021)
- Awareness and Mindsight (Siegel, 2010, 2018)
- Mindfulness and Nondual Awareness (Chopra, 2021; Chopra, Ford, & Williamson, 2010; Lantieri, 2008; Palmer, 1993, 1998, 2004; Palmer, Zajonc, & Scribner, 2010)
- Emotional and Social Intelligence, Presence (Goleman & Boutsikaris, 2006; Goleman & Senge, 2007; Goleman & Whitener, 2005; Senge, 2000, 2008)
- Belief (Dispenza, 2017; Dispenza & Boyce, 2016; Dispenza, Knight, & Encephalon, 2005; B. H. Lipton, 2005, 2006, 2014; B. H. Lipton, Bhaerman, S., 2009)
- Left Brain Dominance (McGilchrist, 2009)
- Early Opposition to the Mechanical View of Humans (Dewey, 1910, 1916/2005)
- Historically Assumed Separateness (Kuhn, 2004)
- Reduced Importance of Childhood (Piaget, 1929/2007, 1950, 1959, 1965, 1973, 1976; Piaget & Inhelder, 1969; Piaget & Valsiner, 1927/2001)
- Excessive Testing (Darling-Hammond, 2010; González & Darling-Hammond, 1997; Gurwitz, Darling-Hammond, Pease, Education., & Corporation., 1981; Haggstrom, Darling-Hammond, Grissmer, & Center for the Study of the Teaching Profession (Rand Corporation), 1988; Koppich, Merseth, Darling-Hammond, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education., & National Commission on Teaching & America's Future (U.S.), 2000; Millman & Darling-Hammond, 1990; Wise, Darling-Hammond, Berry, Profession., & Education, 1987; Wise, Darling-Hammond, & Klein, 1986; Zeichner et al., 2000)
- Education: Students-only, Community-centered, Right Answers, Restricted Resources, Not tests, Not algebra, Not control, Not norms, Brick & Mortar Schools, Integrated Disciplines, Inspirational Content (Dintersmith, 2018; Hart, 2001)
- 1800s Factory Model (Skinner, 1953; Thorndike, 1913/2010)
"I know I know nothing. I'm sure of that. But I could be wrong."
- John Bickart
- John Bickart
We reviewed the book, The Awakened Brain, where Lisa Miller describes that your perceptual field can be seen as Top-down attention vs. Bottom-up perception. Top-down attention focuses you on the task at hand that you want to achieve but limits your perceptual field. Bottom-up perception opens you to the most salient or emotionally relevant perceptions in your field. She writes in a chapter called "THE TWO MODES OF AWARENESS", "As a result of this awakened awareness, our eyes move to meaningful events. In achieving awareness, the stranger who starts talking to us on the bus might be annoying or intrusive, or just invisible. In awakened awareness, we might hear what he says—and even see how it’s relevant to our own lives" (L. W. E. S. Miller, 2021, p. 165). Read More |
Wake Up Call #10 ... Heart Thought [Following is a transcription from the video] Today's wake up call is a great way to think with your heart. Our goal will be to integrate head thought and heart thought, but primarily lead from the heart. This is brought to you thanks to Lisa Miller, from her book, The Awakened Brain. In a chapter called "THE TWO MODES OF AWARENESS" she writes about the difference between having a day where you are only paying attention to what you have to get done or achieve. She calls this an achieving awareness. The other mode of awareness involves waking up to what is happening all around you. She calls this an awakened awareness. ... Watch Here. |
Moving on ... Using tragedy to come together ...
It would be disrespectful to use a tragedy, like the recent events in Uvalde, Texas to become sensational. We need, instead to listen and learn. Here are comments from the townspeople.
“It’s sad to think this tragedy would bring us closer, but I think in Uvalde, I think that will happen.” - Uvalde resident “I’m very thankful and I’m very happy that we’ve come together. We need to be unified. We need to strengthen each other. But there’s nothing like unity. And if there’s one thing that we need in this world, it is more unity.” - Uvalde resident I hope they’ll know Uvalde for a town that can come together, and a town that can rise from the ashes.” - Uvalde resident Advice from counselors of how to field questions that young people will definitely have after a tragedy ...